Tuesday, February 21, 2006


It feels like forever since I've last written. Relationships have grown, new toys came in the mail.. a bullet (or seven) even took someone's life just a block away from my house. A rare tragedy in a town of 1,500.

Joe Pony is the name of a band that I'm in. Since middle school, our trio has grown to be somewhat recognized across the central coast; winning the 1st annual battle of the bands, gigging and such, etc. Our bassist / lead vocalist decided to bail on us about half a year ago. It's not a tragic loss, albeit a missed one. I like how things are going now, though. Joseph needed change; an evolution, a maturing.

Personal hygiene time.

I could not possibly be thankful enough to those who have made me into what i am today. And to everyone and everything that i love, my deepest gratitude is to you. Sometimes I'm even lucky enough to give you a hug as a showing of thanks. I am always extremely grateful of it.

An update on personal philosophy:

1. Free will. When speaking in terms of 2. the multiverse or parallel universes, free will is simply a path chosen and taken by one's consciousness; a path limited to an infinite (3. or possibly finite) amount of possibilities and/or universes. Thus said, this one's 'free will' counters the defined meaning of one's true free will. Makes you think, yeah?

1. Free will
  1. The ability or discretion to choose; free choice: chose to remain behind of my own free will.
  2. The power of making free choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such as fate or divine will.
2. In quantum mechanics, a parallel universe, also sometimes called an alternate universe which exists separately from our own. Some theories of physics postulate the existence of many parallel universes, possibly even an infinite number. Depending on the details of the theory, these universes may or may not interact with each other. The word "multiverse" has been proposed to refer to the collection of all universes.

3. As Ouspensky wrote in In Search of the Miraculous:
"Every moment of time contains a certain number of possibilities, at times a small number, at others a great number, but never an infinite number. It is necessary to realize that there are possibilities and impossibilities. I can take from this table and throw on the floor a piece of paper, a pencil, or an ash-tray, but I cannot take from the table and throw on the floor an orange which is not on the table. This clearly defines the difference between possibility and impossibility. There are several combinations of possibilities in relation to things which can be thrown on the floor from this table. I can throw a pencil, or a piece of paper, or an ashtray, or else a pencil and a piece of paper, or a pencil and an ashtray, or a piece of paper and an ash-tray, or all three together, or nothing at all. There are only these possibilities. If we take as a moment of time the moment when these possibilities exist, then the next moment will be a moment of the actualization of one of these possibilities. A pencil is thrown on the floor. This is the actualization of one of the possibilities. Then a new moment comes. This moment also has a certain number of possibilities in a certain definite sense. And the moment after it will again be a moment of the actualization of one of these possibilities..."

In my personal belief, i agree with Ouspensky for the most part. I believe that his example shows a possibility of impossibility. Thus somewhat finalizing the saying, "anything is possible."


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