Thursday, February 02, 2006


Ahh.. great book, a great book The Da Vinci Code is. There is a deeper meaning within, there really is.

I'm excitedly waiting for the next opportunity to go to Barnes and Noble's, even though the store is located fifteen minutes away from where i live. The prior trip, primarily to buy The Da Vinci Code, was incredibly refreshing. My dad took me there after class and we must've stayed there for at least two hours. He was stuck on some books about Da Vinci, as i was finding my way through every philosophy book inside the store. I was a little child in a candy store.

Angels and Demons, you're next.

I don't think many people understand my religion as i would like them to. In today's society, it can be incredibly hard to believe anything with so many voices shouting in our ears. Sometimes we have our guard up so tight, we don't even notice something slipping though. I like to open up to every thought i hear, to an extent of course; not to an extent of what someone may say, but more of how i take it in. I like to consider.

"My religion consists of humble admiration of the illimitable superiour spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."
-Albert Einstein

If i find a way better way to put that in my own words, i will post it. I promise.

If you haven't read The Da Vinci Code yet, my apologies are to you, for i have already said too much. Please do not look for this deeper meaning i speak of. Enjoy the book as it was meant to be enjoyed: from beginning to end, full of suspense. After all.. you do not find the Grail, the Grail finds you. Good night.


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