Tuesday, January 31, 2006


The sky was incredibly blue today, i was in awe. The colours weren't of it's casual light blue, but rather a deep endless blue. The clouds were still clearing from the rain last night, and they were of the purest white heaven had to offer. They were scattered across the whole sky as if we were face to face with a separate world, clear of corruption. It was fun to look at.

I would really like to say more, but nothing significant really happened. My mind is numb from sleepiness. I slept for six hours last night because i'm an idiot. I viewed some comics made by Don Hertzfeldt for about an hour or two and soon enough it was 1.30 AM. Luckily for me, i had school in seven hours.

I also drew a picture, but it wouldn't upload right. Anyways, good night.


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