Tuesday, December 06, 2005


This image in my mind, it truely is amazing...

Tonight i had another amazing conversation with my friend. She is an awesome girl. She is almost indescribable...

A quarrel was amongst us, and slight depression struck me. I signed off of AIM, which is where our conversation was held. I thought a bit, and realized how she might've felt, and considering it, i signed back on. We explained our relationship, our personal views, to each other. At first, to me, it felt as if we had different views upon our relationship. But gradually as our conversaion flowed on and on, i realized that once again, we can agree to each others thoughts. Dreams of mine, both having to do with career and 'marital situations,' so to speak, would come up as we talked...

How much thought i put into her, it truely is amazing. Every day i consider a new thought, or reconsider an old one; every single one being of such great quality. I have put more thought into other people such as my family, but never at such a rate. I've had the blessing of living with my family, but i haven't lived with her, and it is as if these thoughts are trying to catch up with the others.

"On the years we've missed not being together, how much we could have learned in them," She said.

I responded, "Yet, we have so many years to come, which i believe is a blessing."

The conversation went on...

" Its hard for me to depend on future, because i've seen it cut short, and all of those dreams crushed. So i live in the present."

"It is one thing...where...dreams: Do they... go on? Forever?" (We've discussed this topic earlier). I continued, "... Lets take these dreams, and live them."

A slight pause, and then a smiling emoticon. She said, "I learn from the past, live from the present, and pray for future."

That smiling emoticon... That stupid little emoticon, how it hit me. A flash of an image, and inspiration lit. It was as if i was there as she smiled, teary eyed in her room. How ironic, how she explained her thoughts upon the little emoticon; how she put so much thought into it, and how it meant a lot to her, too.

The flash of an image, and inspiration lit. It was as if i were there as she smiled, teary eyed in her room. Why it hit me so, was because i saw this image physically, which has never happened to me before. I saw her sitting there, smiling, in such a comfortable way; teary, but not messy. An untouchable expression among her face: inspiration, beauty. I still see it, but it is in my mind now. Such a beautiful image...

A memory i will never forget, all because of that little emoticon. That stupid little emoticon...


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